Offline Facebook Consultancy Services That Can Earn You Cash - WINODEY




Monday, May 21

Offline Facebook Consultancy Services That Can Earn You Cash

The idea behind consultancy services on Facebook is on the idea of doing what business owner will not be able to do on Facebook. This idea works especially on business owners, musicians, comedians etc would pay anything to have you set up their facebook page for them. 
The Importance Of Facebook Timeline
If you are not already aware, from March 30th 2012, all Facebook Pages were automatically upgraded to the Facebook Timeline format. Henceforth, if you visit any Facebook page, you'll notice that it now has a new format.

What the hell is the “Timeline” and what does this mean for you?
Timeline is the new Facebook format for displaying and publishing posts, pictures and interaction. Now not everyone likes the new development and are grumbling, what I see is BIG money, and you should see the same, especially if you are reading this page right now. 

If you are a Local business owner whose page is not "Timeline" ready then it will be hard to keep their existing customers!

This post is about to explode you as an Offline Marketing consultant to grab the piece of the Facebook Pie and be the leading DOCTOR to provide a solution to an existing to speak! Existing problems such as, business owner who cannot design their Facebook fan page will contact you to do it for them.  

Take The Advantage Of The Opportunity And Make Money
How many Facebook pages are out there that are not yet "Timeline" Ready?
Some company's Facebook pages are not yet upgraded fully to this new Facebook Timeline page. So, if you check any of this company’s Facebook page and you discover that their page has not been upgraded to the Timeline page, contact them, tell them the importance of the Facebook Timeline, and tell them that you are ready to design a beautiful fan page for them. Even though you don’t know how to do that, contact somebody who can do it, most especially on Fiverr where people are ready to do it for just $5. You give the contract to them, you pay them $5, and the rest is yours. If you continue rendering this services, then you will surely smile to the bank. My friend is currently charging 25,000 to do that for companies.

This is your opportunity to be the main guy they turn to in regards to "this big Facebook change". This is your opportunity to cash in from the Facebook Timeline. Rush and build stream of Offline business clients.

Convince them to allow you design the facebook page for them

This is a very simple way of making money from Local businesses - it does not require any investment and you can do this for "fun" every single week!

All you need to do is identify what is wrong with an Offline Client's Facebook page and provide a "Timeline Ready" solution for them. Business owners will not only thank you for this service, but you'll keep handling their Facebook fan page services.

Take the advantage and smile to the bank.

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  1. This post is interesting, keep it going man....

  2. Thanks ALot Tessy, do share it.
