Beginning With Your Facebook Ads - WINODEY




Tuesday, May 22

Beginning With Your Facebook Ads

Logging in to Facebook and chatting, sharing pictures, messages and poking has  been the activities of owners of Facebook account today, but this post will surely exposed you to what you never knew or heard before.  I am sharing this post to inform you that, you have just been wasting your time on Facebook while leaving your daily food on the table for someone else to eat. This post will surely open the eyes on business owner to advertise their products on the internet, most especially using Facebook ads to promote it.

WHAT IS FACEBOOK ADS? I hope that’s the question you are asking now;

Have you ever log in to your Facebook and saw some advertisement bar at the right hand of your Facebook page? If so, that is what we called ads. Ads are advertisement usually displayed by individual companies to promote their product to targetable Facebook users. Now as a Facebooker page owner, you can begin with Facebook ads to the next level. Doing that is increasing the visibility of your company’s product to your fans on Facebook.  

This is a quick and painless guide to getting started with Facebook Ads. We’ll go over the basics for setting up your account and getting your first ad set up.

Procedures In Setting Up Your First Ads
=> First create your Facebook account. Once you have your account setup, scroll to the bottom and click the Advertising link.
=> You will be taken to the basic Advertising page. Click the Create an Ad button.

=> This will take you to the basic Ad creation screen. The first time you do this, you’ll be presented with one section at a time.

=> Simply fill in the details as shown in the example below. You’ll need to enter:

=> Destination – Is this going to a Facebook page or an external URL

=> URL – When choosing an external URL, you’ll have this option. Put the URL you want to send the clicker to here.

=> Title – The Ad headline, enter something catchy here! You only have 25 characters.

=> Body – Your body text, this is where you get more space to sell. You have 135 characters.

=>Image – This is where you insert your Ad image.

Next you will be presented with targeting options as follows:

=> Location – Select a country, and optionally states, cities, etc.

=> Age – Choose the age range of your target audience.

=> Require Exact Age Match – Choose this to force Facebook to only include people whose ages are strictly within the limits you choose. If you don’t check this, Facebook will include people whose age is near the outer limits of what you selected.

=> Sex – Choose men, women or both.

=> Interests – Too much can be written about this section alone. This is where you can select interests and categories that people ‘Like’ on Facebook to help your targeting.

Next, you can click the Show Advanced Targeting Options button to get more options.
=> Interested In – This allows you to target people who are interested in a specific gender (or both). You typically must utilize this field on dating campaigns.

=> Relationship – This is relationship status, and you can choose Single, Engaged, In a Relationship, Married, or All. This is another field that must be selected when running a dating-related campaign.

=> Language – Pretty self-explanatory. This is the language that the target lists as their spoken language. This will often be English except for when targeting foreign countries.

=> Education – This allows you to choose the target’s education level. 
Options include College Grad, In College, In High School or All.

When you choose College Grad or In College, you’ll also have the option to choose a school or schools.

1. When choosing In College, you’ll also be able to choose graduation year(s).

=>Workplace – Here you can target people who list a workplace.

Next you’ll be presented with campaign and bidding options. This is where you’ll choose a campaign and ad name as well as how you bid on traffic.

Account Currency – This will be your native currency. This will only show up the first time you setup an ads.

Account Time Zone – Your local time zone and country. This will also only show up the first time you setup an ads.

=> Campaign Name – If this is your first campaign, you’ll enter the name here. Otherwise you’ll be given the option to setup a new campaign or be part of an existing one.

=> Budget – This is the daily budget for the campaign. You can choose a daily or lifetime budget. At first your account will be limited to $50/day at the account level. However, increasing this budget can help hasten the showing of your ads.

=> Schedule – You can schedule the campaign to start at a certain time or right away.

=> Pricing – By default this will be chosen automatically for you. We will ALWAYS want to click Set a Different Bid (Advanced Mode).

After you click on Advanced mode, you’ll be presented with an option in terms of how you’ll pay (per click or per impressions) as well as the price you’re willing to pay.

=> Pay Per Impressions (CPM) – This option will charge you for every 1000 impression of an ad, regardless of whether it’s clicked or not.

=> Pay Per Click (CPC) – This is the default option and will charge you for every click.

=> Max Bid – This is the maximum price you are willing to pay for each click or 1000 impressions. You will typically pay less than this. If your ad performs well, you’ll pay much less.

=> Suggested Bid – This is a range that Facebook assigns to based on a number of factors. Ultimately this can vary widely, and depending on what this is, you can choose to lowball, or bid within that range. If you bid too low, you simply won’t get traffic.

What is the next thing?
=> Click Review Ad to review your ads.
=> This is where you can name your ad and confirm your order, or go back and edit. After this, you will have your first campaign and ad running.
=> After you complete this step you’ll have an ad campaign and going forward every time you click the Ads or Advertising link, you’ll be taken to your Advertising Dashboard.
Congratulations, you are now a Facebook Advertiser! You’ve taken your first step into an exciting new direction! 

Hope this info helps... if it does, share it to all your friends on the internet.


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