How To Make Money With Your Facebook Timeline Page - WINODEY




Monday, May 21

How To Make Money With Your Facebook Timeline Page

The fact remain that, a lot of people fail in Information Publishing/Marketing not because they don't have the best of products, but certainly because they do not know the nitty gritty of getting their info product across to their target audience. 
One thing is clear, with over 850 million users, Facebook presents the biggest marketplace to showcase your product.
Have you ever believed that you can take your product and services to the next level with your Facebook timeline page? You wouldn't believe it right? That’s right, you as a product marketer be it electronics, gadget, supermarket, ebook sales can advertise your business on Facebook to a targeted Facebook audience who may likely buy your product through facebook ads. That is the making of the money am talking about. 

How to design your ads to be an eyes caching 
=> The secretes behind any successful advertiser on Facebook promoting their product using ads is ads creation. If you want to really want people to click your ads on Facebook, your ads must be eyes catching. Designing your ads with white background, red colour edges and also a 25x25 image design, then your product will sell like never before. If you don’t know how to design the ads image, contact me and I will do it for you, but not free ooo; lol.
=> Make sure you have targetable audience on your Facebook Timeline page that will really come back to your Facebook page time to time.
=> The reason why I like the Facebook timeline page is that, it will be published on any Facebook timeline pages that liked your page, thereby increasing the awareness of your product page to other Facebook friends on the same pages that liked your page, thereby increasing the number of people who will like your page most especially, when you link your product website to your fan page.

Why should I Enable Facebook Timeline on my page?
 => Your ads and or your product website ads may be the only ads that will likely appear on your fan page on the right hand side.
=> Your ads will be seen easily by all your facebook friends.
=> The number of your facebook friends will increase rapidly.
=> Your product website will be showcase to your entire fan on facebook.  

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