Samsung Galaxy Tab vs Apple iPad: Which Is Your Best? - WINODEY




Friday, September 14

Samsung Galaxy Tab vs Apple iPad: Which Is Your Best?

It is no more new that nothing can replace PC anymore either Tablet or Android, the truth of the matter is which ever one is more preferable to users, that is actually the one you go for. So many of us have Laptop, Desktop computer, but still want to use either Apple iPad or Samsung Galaxy for fun or for the purpose of "I also Have an iPad or Galaxy.

I make use of Apple iPad 3 and I must tell you, I prefer using my Phone rather than using my iPad, In my Case, having an iPad is just for mere fun. Today, I lay my Hand of the Latest Samsung Galaxy Tab and I was Lost in Thought because I was really enjoying it.

The Reason why the Samsung Galaxy Tab might beat of the Apple iPad is Endless, I Quickly Explore some Functionalities that is Impossible For iPad on the Galaxy Tab and I was left wowing all day, Have decided to Sell off the iPad just because of this lovely Galaxy Tab.

Reasons Why Samsung Galaxy Is Preferable To Apple iPad
>> Do you know you can't download Music/Video Online on the ipad? but the Galaxy do Unlimitedly..

>> The iPad Bluetooth is only usable with the Bluetooth Headset, nothing More, Galaxy can send and Receive from any Bluetooth Enhance device.

>> Only Safari Opera Mini is Available on iPad, Galaxy Support Opera, Opera Mini, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and any Browser available in their Store.

>> Large App Size, Any Apple users here can testify about the Size of Apple Apps, Its Large.. Try the Galaxy Adriod App, Small and Works exactly like the Apple Apps.

>> Store:- The Apple App Store require lot of MB to Run and its quite Confusing to Get Started with expecially the Billing Steps but the Google Play Store for Galaxy is something you should try.

>> Google Play Store is currently the Best App Store in the World, Its Loaded and very easyy to use. you can download upto 10 Apps within 5 Mins unlike Blackberry and Apple Store.

>> Apple iPad only work with a Single PC but Galaxy work sleamlessly with any PC. Let me quickly Explain this, If you're an Apple user and you don't have a PC, I tell you, You're deceiving yourself.

>> Most Cool App on Apple Store are Premium Apps but not like the Google Play Store where Most App are Free.

>> Galaxy Tab is Cheap compare to the iPad.

>> I Must Say the Andriod App World is Far Loaded than the Apple Store.

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