How to lock your Pc using Mouse - WINODEY




Thursday, February 16

How to lock your Pc using Mouse

Last time in my previous post I shared with you how to lock your computer screen to avoid third party eyes to tamper with your computer while you have some secret thing on your system which you do not want anybody to see, while avoiding damages to those your files and settings by third or second angry fingers on your computer.

How To Go About It:

Instead of trying all those windows shortcut keys to lock your pc, while not try out something new like this.

1. Right click on your computer desktop, point your cursor to New and then click on Shortcut. a dialog box will appear similar to the one below:

2. Copy the following script code rundll32 user32.dll LockWorkStation and paste it into the Type the location space of the item box.

3. Click the next button and type a name for your shortcut icon eg LOCK MY COMPUTER in the space provided and then click finish.

4. You will see an icon on your desktop and anytime you want to lock your pc when going out just double click on it and it will show you the login screen.

Note: This icon can not log off your computer completely, it only lock your screen from unauthorized users especially when you password the login screen.

I hope this info helps? feel free to share this post with your friends using the like/share buttons. you can also SUBSCRIBE to my blog using your email address and more tips on this site will be delivered into your inbox. or ask any question by using the comment box below.

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