How to Add Read More To Blogger Feeds - WINODEY




Sunday, May 27

How to Add Read More To Blogger Feeds

Adding "Read More" to feed burner is very important in a sense that, it bring in-tuns traffic back to your blog since you have a good number of people who have subscribe to your blog through their email, thereby giving them the opportunity to read your blog through their mail or Google Reader. Most of you use the "Summary Burner" option given inside your Feedburner accounts. The summary burner adds a teaser link along with some text after specific number of characters in all your posts. This again acts like an automatic read more script so you should avoid adding read more using Summary Burner tool.

The simplest and easiest way to add read more to both Email and RSS Feeds is through Blogger Dashboard settings. Do this:

1. Go To Blogger > Settings > Site Feed
2.  Set "Allow blog Feeds" to "Untill Jump Break"
3.  Save your settings and you are all done

This will add a Jump Break i.e "Read More" link to all your feeds which includes Post, comment and per-post comment feed. 

Remember that the read more link will appear at exact same location where the more Tag appears and thus it keeps things clean and neat as you wanted. 

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